Beyond Bard: Google’s Gemini AI Impresses with Accuracy and Multimodality

I’ve been spending time on Google’s re-named and updated Gemini AI, and I’m truly impressed! It’s a significant improvement over the previous Bard version and even offers features that surpass ChatGPT in areas like factual accuracy and multimodal capabilities.

Multimodal Capabilities: Gemini is designed as a “native multimodal” model, meaning it can process and learn from various data types like text, audio, and video. This allows it to analyze complex datasets like charts and images, potentially offering valuable insights for fields like medicine and science. ChatGPT currently lacks this multimodal ability.

Factual Accuracy and Up-to-Dateness: Google emphasizes factual accuracy and strives to integrate the latest information in Gemini. By continuously learning and updating, Gemini aims to provide reliable and current responses. While both models utilize various techniques for this, Google’s approach in Gemini might lead to improved factuality in specific situations.

Specific Functionality: Depending on the tasks you’ve been using Gemini for, it might offer superior functionality compared to ChatGPT. For instance, Google has focused on integrating Gemini with Microsoft 365, potentially offering unique functionalities within that ecosystem.

More info can be found on Google’s blog:

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