Helping Small Businesses Thrive: My Passion Project and How You Can Benefit

The hustle and heart of small businesses are what keeps our communities vibrant. But as a marketer, I also know the challenges they face – limited resources, stretched time, and the constant need to stay ahead of the curve. That’s why I’m passionate about dedicating my expertise to helping them thrive.

Recently, I volunteered 50 hours to work directly with small businesses. It was an incredibly rewarding experience. We tackled everything from crafting effective marketing strategies to implementing time-saving operational tweaks. Seeing the impact of these sessions, the spark of possibility in their eyes, solidified my desire to make a bigger difference.

Here’s the thing: every small business deserves a shot at success. But sometimes, the best marketing strategies and efficiency hacks seem out of reach.

That’s where I come in.

I’m offering free consultations to help small businesses jumpstart their marketing efforts and free up valuable time. Whether you’re struggling to find your target audience online, need help streamlining your operations, or simply want to bounce around some ideas, I’m here to listen and offer solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • A personalized consultation: We’ll discuss your unique business goals and challenges.
  • Actionable marketing tips: I’ll share strategies to reach your target audience and grow your business.
  • Time-saving efficiency hacks: Learn ways to streamline your operations and free up time to focus on what matters most.

So, if you’re a small business owner feeling overwhelmed or stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out! Let’s work together to unlock your full potential.

Improving a Restaurant’s Digital Strategy

Recently, I had an enlightening conversation with a friend who’s been working with a local restaurant on their web strategy. The discussion centered around some crucial steps that could significantly enhance the restaurant’s online presence and revenue streams.

Embracing Online Ordering and Delivery Services

The first recommendation I made was for the restaurant to transition to an online ordering platform and integrate with mobile delivery services like DoorDash. This move can be transformative for several reasons:

  1. Cost Reduction: By streamlining the ordering process through a digital platform, the restaurant can reduce overhead costs associated with taking orders over the phone.
  2. Additional Revenue Streams: Partnering with delivery services opens up new avenues for revenue. Customers who prefer the convenience of delivery can now easily access the restaurant’s menu from the comfort of their homes.
  3. Enhanced Customer Experience: An online ordering system provides a seamless and user-friendly experience, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The Importance of Domain Ownership

During our discussion, my friend mentioned that the restaurant’s current website provider was charging them $175 to transfer the domain back to the restaurant. This is outrageous, especially considering that the process typically takes less than five minutes and is straightforward.

Owning and controlling your own domain is critical for several reasons:

  1. Autonomy: It ensures that you have full control over your website and can make changes or switch providers without unnecessary obstacles.
  2. Cost Efficiency: Avoiding inflated fees for simple tasks can save money that can be better invested in other areas of the business.
  3. Brand Security: Maintaining ownership of your domain protects your brand’s digital identity and ensures that your online presence remains stable and secure.

Our conversation highlighted how strategic digital transformations can drive significant benefits for a restaurant. Embracing online ordering and delivery services can enhance customer convenience and generate additional revenue, while owning your domain ensures control and cost efficiency. These steps are not just about keeping up with the times; they’re about securing a competitive edge in an increasingly digital marketplace.

“K.I.S.S., Ryan”: How a Crusty War Photographer Taught Me the Power of Simplicity

“K.I.S.S.” It’s a philosophy that I’ve lived by for a long time, especially in the advertising world. Well, this might date me a bit, but back in college I took a photography class. Digital cameras weren’t quite a thing yet, so we were shooting on film and developing in a darkroom. I absolutely loved the class and learned so much about framing, creating a shot, and developing unique images that would jump off the photo page.

My teacher was a crusty old Vietnam vet, a former war photographer. He showed us his incredible, moving work from the Vietnam War. Above his desk, he had a sign he’d made out of old photographs that said “K.I.S.S.” I was really struggling with an assignment, so I went up to him and rambled on about all the things I was trying to do. He raised his hand in a stop motion, then pointed at the K.I.S.S. sign. At that point, I had no idea what it meant.

He asked to see my proofs for the assignment. He flipped through them in seconds, pulled one out, and grunted with a big, arthritic finger, “Ryan, that’s your shot. Look at that kid on the tricycle, giving you that cute smile… you know the moment you turn your back, he’s going to go flying down a hill, looking for a ramp to jump. The one you’re focused on is too much; you’re overthinking it. K.I.S.S., Ryan.”

I looked at the two pictures, and he was absolutely right. The simpler one was better – a night-and-day difference. I looked at him and asked, “Okay, but I still don’t know what K.I.S.S. means?”

He grinned out of the corner of his mouth. “Keep It Simple” – then took a sip of his coffee. “What’s the other ‘S’?” I asked. He just laughed and walked away.

Brittany Pietsch vs. Cloudflare

I’ve been pondering this viral video depicting Brittany Pietsch’s getting let go from Cloudflare and the various perspectives surrounding the situation. The video she privately recorded and shared on the internet, capturing the moment of her termination, stirred up a wave of reactions, including Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince’s response on Twitter (Video and Response Links at bottom).

After watching the video and checking out different reaction videos, it’s evident that both parties handled the situation poorly. Losing a job is undeniably challenging, and the raw emotions displayed by Ms. Pietsch evoke compassion. However, the decision to secretly record and share the video online raises questions about her future job prospects.

On the flip side, Mr. Prince’s transparent acknowledgment of his company’s faults and commitment to improving processes is a step in the right direction. But the comparison to NBA Star and Mulit-Millionaire Chris Paul in his tweet is tone-deaf and detracts from the overall message.

Looking beyond the individual dynamics, this latest viral video has me contemplating the broader implications for the “remote work” environment and remote sales processes. It sheds light on how these approaches might inadvertently dehumanize interactions, reducing individuals to mere emails and virtual entities.


Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince Response:

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