Dealing with Monday Morning Work Anxiety: 3 Tips to Cope

Ah, Monday morning. The start of the workweek often brings a wave of anxiety that can be hard to shake off. But don’t worry, you’re not alone, and there are ways to manage that dreaded Monday feeling. Here are three tips to help you cope:

  1. Plan Your Week on Friday morning.
    Instead of letting Monday catch you off guard, take some time on Friday morning to plan your week. Create a to-do list, prioritize tasks, and set some achievable goals. Knowing what’s ahead can reduce uncertainty and make Monday morning feel more manageable. Plus, crossing items off your list can be incredibly satisfying!
  2. Establish a Morning Routine You Enjoy
    Make Monday mornings something to look forward to by creating a routine that you enjoy. This could be as simple as brewing your favorite coffee (I suggest, taking a brisk walk (with a golden retriever), or spending a few minutes meditating. Having a pleasant routine can ease you into the workday and boost your mood.
  3. Break Down Tasks into Smaller Steps
    The thought of tackling a big project first thing on Monday can be overwhelming. Instead, break your tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. Focus on completing one small task at a time. This approach can help prevent feelings of being overwhelmed and give you a sense of accomplishment throughout the day.

And most importantly, remember life is more than just work and work stress is temporary.

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